Wednesday, March 26, 2008

the Crud

Bug and I have the Crud. (Yes, that's a self-diagnosis.) But I've had the Crud before, so I recognized it right away.

We've been lounging around the living room watching movies and the Office on DVD, playing with toys and downing liquids. This might sound fun-- don't be deceived!

In the midst of the Crud, I've found myself with a peculiar side effect-- blog fog. That's right folks, I've had no idea what to post and no desire to try to scrounge something up.

Today is Works for Me Wednesday and I couldn't even think of something that "works for me" right now. OK, I'll admit slacking off laying around, drinking Sprite, and eating Dove chocolate eggs makes me feel better when I'm suffering with a head cold, a sore thorat, and a sick baby. That works for me!


Windot said...

Aw, we hope you girls feel better!!!! We need to have a date soon, geesh!
p.s. we LOVE the office. SOOOOOO funny!

Mom2fur said...

Hope you feel better soon!