Monday, March 23, 2009

Momfess Yourself!

If you're a mom, you probably have a "momfession" or two to make. I have plenty, I'm sure, but am always short-handed when I'm supposed to tell about an embarrassing moment or sticky situation.

I've got a good one today.

Saturday night we were driving (with bad internet directions) to a friend of a friend's house for a little goodbye shindig. We ate at Wendy's before we hit the road and Hubby and I shared a HUGE Cheerwine. (Don't worry, it's a soft drink.) Well, momma's bladder just ain't as strong as it used to be...

We stopped at two gas stations, but they were both closed. At 6:00pm on a Saturday-- I know, right! We were out in. the. middle. of. nowhere.

I tried to hold it.

But we were lost. (Thank you shady internet directions.) So I told Hubby to pull over. Yes, I peed behind a tree! Can you believe it? I had to chuckle as I crawled back in the car. The saddest part of the whole ordeal-- I just kept thinking what a great blog post!

Go ahead, share your own momfession-- you know you want to!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I too think about situations and wonder how I am going to put this on my blog - especially as my parents and pastor read my blog! That puts a whole new perspective on what I will not include/exclude!