Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I love shopping for my kids! It is a very rare occasion when I am out shopping and don't see something for one of my kids! Here are some of my favorite ideas!

1. AllforAbby Frame-A-Name: I ADORE this woman's stuff! I introduced you to Melissa while back during Fantastic Finds. It's been a few months, and a lot has happened-- Melissa and her husband brought their little girl, Abigail, home from China! How precious! Abby is having surgery this week, so please say a prayer for Melissa and Abby! I love, love, love my kids' name frames! Aren't they too cute? Decor for a kid's room is a great gift idea-- less plastic, junky toys for us, please!
*Melissa has agreed to do a giveaway during the 'Tis the Season carnival! For each post you link up, you will be entered to win a Frame-A-Name or Frame-A-Family!

2. Melissa and Doug toys: Speaking of plastic, junky toys, I have to tell you how much I love Melissa and Doug's stuff for kids! We got the kids the standard until blocks last Christmas, they are perfect for building and imagining all sorts of things! These blocks will grow with our children! We also have a lot of wooden Melissa and Doug puzzles, the kids are big fans!

3. Praise Baby DVDs: We got these DVDs as a gift right about the time Bumblebee was born. Ladybug loved them! Each DVD is 30 minutes of praier music with clips of babies, children, animals, numbers, and letters. Think Baby Einstein, but not as creepy! I could listen to praise music all day, so they don't wear on me like the annoying voices on some of Ladybug's other DVDs. Bumblebee has just started watching them and he's enraptured with watching the other children! They are perfect to put in when I need some time to read my Bible and pray-- and I don't mind praise music in the background!

4. Doll Sling: This is what Ladybug has asked for this Christmas, and it thrills me to the core! I love that she watches me wear Bumblebee and wants to do the same with her babies! She asked for an Ergo specifically, but their doll carriers are $25! I found this one: on etsy from SnuggyBaby for $10! If she really seems into it, maybe we can get Ladybug an Ergo for her babies later.

OK, there are some of my favorite gift ideas for kids-- who's next? Tell all your great ideas for gifts FOR THE KIDS on your blog, then come back to Momfessions, and click below where it says "MckLinky". Enter your name and the link to your gift idea post. Don't forget, each time you link up a gift ideas post this week, you're entered to win one of the awesome giveaways!

(Check here for carnival guidelines.)


Unknown said...

We LOVE M&D toys! I told my mom that I wanted that set of blocks for the boys and she was like, "Um, that few for that price - no way...besides we still have your set of 300+ wooden blocks from when you were little..." WHAT?! Oh I can't wait for that for the boys! :-D My oldest (2.5) son love wearing his "babies" (stuffed animals, lol) too. I made him a little sling to use, but he'd still prefer to use my hotsling that is 12.5times too big for him, lol, love it!

Those frames are so cute too!

Snuggy Baby said...

I love your names for your kids. I thought that it was a great coincidence that my girls went as a lady bug and bumble bee for halloween this year.
