Friday, May 20, 2011

Free-Write Friday {4}

My payment as a mother doesn't come in a check. There's nothing to deposit in the bank at the end of the week.

Sloppy kisses as I tuck my son into his bed. Milk-mustached smiles from a baby as he finishes nursing. Freshly picked dandelions given with the admonishment to put them in some water, so you can keep them forever--

These are the moments that compensate me for long hours, constant demands, and no sick days.

A freshly-bathed baby wanting to snuggle up before bed, a sick darling who only wants mama's care to make her feel better, a precious masterpiece of squiggles and swirls drawn especially for me.

These are things you can't hang a price tag on.

The days are so long sometimes, the tasks so mundane. The thanks so little. But when I stop to appreciate the small joys of motherhood set before me every day, I am so thankful that God made me a mom. Truly, there is no higher calling in life.


Cheri said...

Thanks for putting into words my very thoughts! This is so true and I love this post!

Sheila@Momfessions said...

Thanks friend!