Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

I'm joining the Wednesday carnival over at Rocks In My Dryer today! (Does it bother anyone else that Wednesday is totally not spelled the way everyone in America pronounces it?)

Today I thought I'd share a little laundry tip with you since I know you envy my domestic diva-dom. Ha ha!

When Bug came along she came with all sorts of tiny clothes. I swear, even though her outfits are 1/23 the size of mine, her wardrobe takes up 100 times more room than mine does! Not only are all the little pieces impossible to fold, I found I was constantly missing sock partners of her teensy weensy socks!

The missing sock syndrome is annoying enough with regular sized socks, but to constantly be on the search for a pink sock with white polka dots that would fit on my pinkie toe... enough is enough!

I realized that her socks would go perfectly through the laundering process if they were enclosed in a lingerie bag. WA-LA! Problem solved.

So now the bite-sized pieces of cotton that resemble a small foot all stay together through washing and drying in the lingerie bag!


Kara S. said...

LOL! I love your writing style - it's so descriptive yet simple. I can just picture this teeny sock hanging on pinky toe. :)

I tagged you in a meme at my blog, so stop on by! (

beckyjomama said...

I was going to suggest the bag - I have just discovered this little miracle!!! I have two girls - a four year old who is tiny and a 6 month old who is NOT. Her feet are quite large (like her mama's!!) and so the socks are close to the same size as her sis. SO, I bought TWO bags and color coded them with sharpies and now they each have their own - which TOTALLY saves on the sorting... my LEAST favorite part of laundry!!!!
Becky Jo

Anonymous said...

Great idea. I find that the socks get stuck in other pieces of clothing.

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