Thursday, July 24, 2008

Melt my Heart

I have been amazed recently at the explosion of growth and development taking place in my 13month old daughter. She seems to have blossomed overnight! Her vocabulary has taken off at she connects words and items and tries out new sounds and words. She understands simple questions or directives and can follow what we've asked her to do...

I can tell it's going to be tough parenting a toddler (since she's working on becoming her own individual), but I can always catch glimpses of how much fun we're going to have along the way!

Yesterday morning as we were reading Bug's Bible story, I said "Jesus" a few times (the story was about His birth). She kept trying to say something and I soon realized it was "Jesus"! OH MY WORD! Could this child be any more precious to me? Last night when Hubby got home he coaxed her into saying it two more times, I think his heart was as mushy as mine!

Praying for her this first 13months I have prayed so many times for her to come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. I cannot describe how special it was to hear her speak His name for the first time yesterday! Oh the joys!

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