Today I NEED to tell someone about Rosalynn. I actually need to tell someone's husband about Rosalynn because then I would be making someone very happy, indeed!
Here's what I learned about Rosalynn, the woman: I am a mommy to a 9 year old boy and a 6 year old girl, and they keep me on my toes! I love to travel, read, hang out with my family, and hike the beautiful mountains of Utah. I've always loved jewelry but I just started making my own around 2 years ago. During the past year I discovered metal stamping and loved that I could customize pieces with names and words. I made a lot of jewelry for family and friends and had so many requests for more that I decided to open my etsy shop. My shop has kept me busy this year, but I'm so grateful to be doing something that I enjoy!
Here's what I love about Rosalynn the artist:

I mean really... do I need to elaborate?!
How awesome is personalized jewelry?
How doubly awesome is personalized jewelry at totally reasonable prices?
Can you believe that all of her stuff in under $35? Unreal!

I would take a picture of it on me, but I'm still in my PJs and Hubby's not home to click the shutter for me... you'll have to take my word for it that it's adorable on me!
Rosalynn truly is a kind woman.
You know how I know? She wanted one of you to be the owner of one of her necklaces too!
She sent me one to share!
So, click on over to Rosalynn's store and look around. See if you can guess which necklace she sent for one of you! Come leave me a comment with your guess and any thoughts you have on Rosalynn's great stuff. I'll draw the winner out of a hat next Friday, March 27th!
Comments are now closed while I draw and contact a winner!
The winner was sabrita: sabrita said... These are such great designs, and great prices too. I chose the new Bloom Necklace. The flower reminds me of a dogwood bloom which I love. Thanks for the giveaway.
And it WAS the Bloom necklace! Congrats, sabrita!
I love this jewelry. It is very simple and unique. I think that the free necklace is faith, hope and love. It's my favorite and I like how it looked on you.
I hope she sent the Faith with pearl necklace. It is so simple and elegant! I absolutely love it.
I know that no matter which one she sent I would love it! maybe "faith, hope and love", or the "bloom" one?
I hope it's the Blessed Beyond Measure Necklace-its so very pretty!
Elaine R
Beautiful jewelry. I love the Love necklace.
I like them all! She does a wonderful job! I think that the free necklace is the faith, hope, and love. Who wouldn't want such a wonderful necklace?
Thanks for the chance!
Loving the "Families are Forever" necklace. So pretty!
Is it the Family Circle necklace?
I love the sisters are forever necklace,, is that the one she sent? I'm new to your blog today, so just getting to know you. Thanks!
My guess is the goodnight moon necklace (one of my favorites)!
I'm guessing the one called "Mom to the Xth power"...seems appropriate for your readers. :)
She has some GORGEOUS jewelry! My guess is this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=22167502
The Copper Petite Name Necklace.
Ooh it's all so pretty! I particularly love the bloom necklace -- especially with the beginning of spring! Is that it? :)
I think the faith hope and love necklace. amsbolda@hotmail.com
There were a few I thought are for me. = )
But my favorite, today, is Blessed Beyond Measure, because, well, I am.
I love your work - it speaks to my heart.
Tiffiny A
i LOVE her jewelry! i had to add her to my etsy favorites. i have my eye on several of her necklaces and know i will be buying something soon. the DREAM necklace is one of my favorties! thanks for the post about her.
This jewerly is really cool! I love the doouble layer personalized necklace.
I think the free on is the "faith hope love" necklace
OOh, I like them all! The one that I really like is the "bloom" necklace! Darling!
Cute stuff! Hmm...I'll press my luck and say that it's the new lucky necklace.
the faith necklace? I really love that one...but in all honesty I really like them all!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
I love handstamped jewelry but I've never owned a piece. Since most of her designs need personalization I think the giveaway is for a Faith Hope Love necklace like yours! It's just beautiful! Hope to win one too! Thanks for he chance!
Rosalynn is so incredibly talented! I adore EVERYTHING she creates! I will guess the "Love" necklace. They're all stunning! :)
I think its the faith,hope,love one. I love ALL her necklaces. So pretty.
I hope it's the Blessed Beyond Measure and I hope I win! Thanks for the great giveaway
I'm horrible at guessing, but I'm hoping it the Live in the Moment necklace - http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18445937
I love personalized jewelry, and have definitely added to my favorite shops.
Reach me at danunepthys(at)hotmail(dot)com.
I visit her blog every few weeks! I love the little tags for our children - I would do the initial of my two kiddos! I think the one she sent was "Mom" because of your blog name! :-) Beautiful - all of them!
I'm guessing it's the Faith, Hope, and Love Necklace! Am I right?!
I adore the simplistic beauty of this jewerly. Um, I am gessing the faith, hope, love necklace?? Crossing my fingers!
Lovely shop! I hope it's the "Je T'aime Necklace, sterling silver domed heart, hand stamped with purple pearl charm." It's so pretty!
I quite like the idea of someone winning the "Lucky" necklace, but I can't say I'd be disappointed with the Shine Brightly Necklace, either.
I love them all but am hoping that it is either the Faith, Hope and Love one or the Bloom necklace!
kladd94803 (at) aol.com
I am going to guess that she sent the Faith, Hope and Love Necklace!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Holy Cats!
I love her work and PRICES!!
Stamping on metal sounds very intiguing!!!
I'm really happy for her that her etsy shop is doing well!!
Here is my guess...
Lucky Necklace, sterling silver teardrop disc hand stamped with shamrock charm, good luck necklace
These are such great designs, and great prices too. I chose the new Bloom Necklace. The flower reminds me of a dogwood bloom which I love. Thanks for the giveaway.
My guess is that it's the Faith Hope and Love necklace...but regardless...I would love to win any of them! LOL!! I love these necklaces! Thanks so much! http://oneboredmommy.blogspot.com or luvclippy at yahoo.com
The Blessed Beyond Measure one is lovely! Maybe that's the prize? :)
contact me at:
Wish Upon a Star Necklace? I love them all!! Whatever it is, I'll take it! LOL
Hmm...Maybe it's the 'Bloom' necklace? Love that one.
Wow! I love her designs AND her prices! Fabulous pieces!! My guess is the new bloom necklace. I'd love any of them!! My email is connected to my blogger account. :)
I would say the family circle necklace she picked. I would be happy with any of them! I like the bloom necklace and the pearl earrings. thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
Maybe it's the copper bird dream necklace... LOVE the copper & silver mixing.
I'm guessing she sent the Faith, Hope, and Love Necklace. Her designs are simply beautiful!
They are all so great.
My guess for this is going to be the "NEW Lucky Necklace, sterling silver teardrop disc hand stamped with shamrock charm, good luck necklace"...because we'd be lucky to win :) cheesy, but true
I think that it's either the shine brightly necklace or the lucky necklace, all of her stuff is gorgeous!
jessbedard7 at gmail dot com
family circle is my guess - I have her cued for gifts!
I love these necklace - so sweet.
The one she selected is Faith, Hope, and Love Necklace and it's awesome!
Wow- such gorgeous jewelry!!!! I love it all. I'm guessing the "Je T'aime" necklace!
I love her stuff. I've featured her on my blog too, just because I love love love her stuff.
My guess - the bloom necklace. Because its the one I want! :)
I think she sent you 2 "Faith Hope & Love" necklaces..one for you & one for a reader!
I'm going to guess that the giveaway is the bloom necklace, although I love the Family Circle one, too. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love her work...so cute. Did she send the hugs and kisses necklace?
I think it is the Goodnight Moon Necklace, because I LoVe It!.
Oh I hope it's the bloom one, it's absolutely beautiful and that's my word of the year :)
I'm gonna guess the "two toned love necklace"! Her jewelry is amazing I absolutely adore the sister necklace! Thanks for entering me in this fantastic giveaway! :)
I bet it's the same one you got. I love it! I love her work--especially the Sweetheart Necklace. =)
This is my guess.
I love them all though, had to heart her!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful store!
What a gorgeous shop!! My favorite is the Hugs & Kisses necklace. But i bet the Faith. hope love one is the giveaway!! ;]
I hope its the family circle necklace.
I really enjoy her jewelry! Very well done and great prices!! My guess is the "Shine Brightly" necklace. I really like that one. :o)
I would love to have the "Sisters" necklace...but I'm guessing she's giving away the "Faith Hope Love" necklace.
I would love to have any of them!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow those are all so cute, but I'm going to guess the faith hope and love necklace.
This is great jewelry! I love them all - especially the Lucky and Faith with the pearl necklaces. I bet the giveaway one is the "Faith, Hope, Love" one. Thanks for sharing!
how could you ever just pick one!! very cute! Maryann faceoffreckles@rcn.com
Such pretty jewelry! I'm really hoping it's the Blooms necklace. Makes me want spring that much faster.
Lousy guesser that I am I will try and say maybe "Blessed Beyond Measure" Such pretty jewelry. I love hand stamped stuff a lot.
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
I'm sure the giveaway is faith, hope, love.???
I love the sisters one.
Count me in.
My guess is that it is the Copper Dream Bird Necklace.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I'm having a lot of difficulty deciding, but I think my favorite is the Copper Dream Bird Necklace.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! =)
I think it will be the double layer necklace that is picked. Very fun jewelry.
I think she sent the NEW Je T'aime Necklace, sterling silver domed heart, hand stamped with purple pearl charm necklace! Beautiful!
I am going to guess the bloom necklace since it is spirng now. (yeah!) All of the the jewelry is beautiful though!
lovely stuff
Copper Mother's Necklace stands out
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
I'm going to echo what many others have said-the bloom necklace, because it's the one I want!! LOL
I really, really like the Blessed w/out measure necklace too. That would be a perfect mother's day gift.
Such beautiful items in this shop! Maybe the winner will receive the Lucky Necklace since she will be lucky to win, or maybe the Bloom Necklace since spring is upon us, or maybe even the Love Necklace. Any of her necklaces would be welcome around my neck! Thanks for the giveaway!
bmcgregor72 AT hotmail DOT com
I think the necklaces are simple and elegant. I think the free necklace is going to be the live in the moment necklace.
I love personalized jewelry too, and Rosalynn...Your creations are beautiful!! My guess for the giveaway necklace is "Bloom". I have Spring on my mind Big time:)
Beautiful jewelry at reasonable prices! Gotta love it! I think she is giving away the Shine Brightly Necklace or the Bloom Necklace. Thank you for the opportunity.
mcgregor_laura (at) hotmail (dot) com
I hope it is BLOOM, it's darlin!
I'm feeling lucky!
Thanks for the chance,
Wish Upon A Star Necklace, Sterling silver hand stamped necklace with star charm
I love the Copper Mother's necklace and the large family circle! I've been holding off on ordering one of these until our family is complete - I love them! I bokmarked her etsy site. I hope the one she chooses is the faith, hope and love necklace. Thanks for the opportunity!
This jewelry is beautiful! I hope she sent the faith/hope/love necklace or the Goodnight Moon necklace. I'm a children's librarian and I love that book!
My guess is it's the Faith, Hope, and Love Necklace--hand stamped sterling silver open square with pearl accent. Although I love so many of her items - i'd be happy with any of them.
My guess is the Copper Dream Bird Necklace, sterling silver plated sparrow on a hand stamped copper disc. her jewerly is reasonably priced and cute!
My guess is the Faith Necklace!
She is really talented it was hard to guess which one. Hopefully it was the "bloom" necklace.
I like the customized circle best :)
I'm going to guess she sent the 'Wish Upon a Star' necklace. Her jewelry is so beautiful, I think in part because it's not overdone. Thanks for this giveaway! :)
Truthfully her entire store is lovely. I love the sentimental value these can hold being personlized in the ways she does them. I like quite a few but I love this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=21941749
*Crossing my fingers on this one!
Love the Love Necklace, two tone hammered hand stamped brass rectangle with sterling silver heart. What a pretty shop!
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
I think she sent over the "wish" neclace because my wish is that you pick me!! they are all awesome.
My guess is the Faith, Hope, and Love Necklace (hand stamped sterling silver open square with pearl accent). At least I hope so...I think it's just gorgeous!
Thanks so much for the generous giveaway...I would be SO thrilled to win!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm guessing she sent one exactly like yours. I sure hope so!
I'm guessing the Faith, Hope & Love necklace. Beautiful craftsmanship!
What a lovely assortment of jewerly. The French "I Love You" heart with the purple pearl is very lovely and my 1st choice, only I would prefer it in white pearl.
Love her stuff! Love it!
Maybe she sent the Mom to the x power!?!?
Any of them would be perfect!
Robin Rane'
All Things Heart and Home
I want to win :) Very awesome pieces, I love them!
What amazing jewelry! My favorite is the "Shine Brightly" necklace. So adorable! Hopefully that's the secret prize!
I think the free necklace is FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE!
Would love a chance to win any of them!
Awesome website!
I am guessing bloom, but they are all really lovely!!!
I really love the family circle necklace. It's awesome!! I like her jewelery...I have never seen anything like it before! Thanks!
Families are Forever! Love it!
This jewelry is gorgeous! Love them all! I'm guessing the "blessed beyond measure" necklace- that is so beautiful!!!
amyandjeffmartinez {at} yahoo {dot} com
I would love any of them but I may have to buy one of those family circle necklaces for myself!!! They are simply gorgeous!
I am going to guess she sent the Mom to the Xth Power necklace. I would love any of her necklaces.
So very cute!! I came over from tip junky Thanks!!
I'm going to say she sent the Faith necklace.
Nancy in North Carolina
So precious! I hope she sent the Blessed Beyond Measure. My girlfriends and I just stayed at a cabin with that name, and that is how I feel about my wonderful friends. That would be an amazing keepsake from our trip.
I love them all! I would have to say the "Live in the Moment' necklace because I am always saying that to my daughter!
The Bloom necklace is my fave. I hope she sent this one !
Thanks for the chance at winning one!
I think it is Faith, Hope, and Love Necklace.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I think they are all adorable but hopefully it's the one with Faith, Hope and Love and has the little pearl.
Hmm. Maybe the Wish Upon A Star one? Thay are all so beautiful, and great prices!
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