Monday, April 12, 2010

Random Schmandom

  • I left my kids today (and Tuesday and Wednesday) from 8:30am until 2:30pm with a babysitter to attend a spiritual gifts/team building seminar-- I totally had great energy to parent from when I came back until bedtime!  Usually I am dwindling in strength and patience around dinnertime, but tonight I made it all the way to bedtime with plenty of enthusiasm for reading stories, singing the brush teeth song I've made up, and praying/singing/tucking everyone into bed.

  • I am finding it really interesting to see how my personality/spiritual gifts test results came out-- very accurate and informative!  Since we operate on a "team" here, it's also very intriguing to see how other people's interests/strengths/weaknesses/gifts/talents come out.  Am I a total geek?

  • We ate dinner on the balcony tonight-- the weather is ah-mazingly perfect.  I am enjoying to sunshine and warmth, but dreading the heat that is surely coming!

  • Some awesome friends are coming all the way over the ocean to visit us next week (and bring American goodies like Almond Hershey Kisses and Goldfish!)  I am so looking forward to their visit!

  • Bug #3 is thirteen weeks old today.  I'm pretty certain we're not finding out the sex this go 'round.  Some days I think oooo I get a snuggly newborn again! And some days it's more like am I completely nutso for having another newborn? (I think that's normal though?)

  • Next week I will turn 27.  I realize in the grand scheme of aging, this is still relatively young, but some moments I looks at my life and cannot believe all the adventure and fun I have been able to squeeze into 27 years.  And then I think-- I have a husband and two (and a half) kids, and I've moved across the planet, and I live in my own house and cook and clean and pay bills... dang! I'm old. The first I'm-getting-close-to-thirty sign?  My hands.  They are starting to get kinda wrinkly.  And not soft.  I do keep them pretty busy wiping bums and noses and counters and floors and crumbs and tables and spills, maybe I need to invest in a good moisturizer? Suggestions welcome!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm still trying to figure out ways to sneak into suitcases...
Know ya'll will have a great visit!!
By the way....27 is not old...wait until you are approaching the next decade!!